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TERMS & CONDITIONS: The Treat Hotel in Margao, Goa

Hotel Cancellation Policy


1. Full Refund:
   - Guests are entitled to a full refund if the cancellation is made at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in time.

2. No Refund:
   - Cancellations made within 72 hours of the scheduled check-in time are non-refundable. No amendments to the booking will be accepted during this period.

3. Right to Admission:
   - The hotel reserves the right to admit guests. In the event that a guest is found behaving unethically or inappropriately, no refund shall be processed, regardless of the time of cancellation or even if the guest is checked in.

4. Guest Understanding:
   - By making a booking, the guest confirms that they have fully understood the offerings and location of the property. 


By proceeding with a booking, the guest agrees to abide by the terms and conditions stated above. We have hosted 1000s of satisfied guests at our hotel in Margao, Goa & look forward to receiving you as well. 

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